An Artist in Business, Guest Post, Marketing, Teaching

MARKETING FOR ARTISTS – 5 TIPS by Lynda Cain Hubbard

By Lynda Cain Hubbard For Help2Succeed After being on your wonderful radio program, and getting such a powerful response, I wanted to also put down the basic information in writing.  Here goes– “Marketing” and “Art” seem to most people like two different worlds.  One is complex and boring and the other is exciting and creative.… Read More MARKETING FOR ARTISTS – 5 TIPS by Lynda Cain Hubbard

An Artist in Business, How-To, Interview, Radio Show

An Interview with Ms. Lynda Cain Hubbard Artist, Author and President of TrendCreators

“Each one of us is involved in marketing and PR actions all the time if only to get agreement from others for our own ideas.” “The Art in each of us is the very best of what we are. Letting that come through in my own life is one of the best things I have… Read More An Interview with Ms. Lynda Cain Hubbard Artist, Author and President of TrendCreators