Supercharge Your Art Sales: Let Them See It, Touch It, Hear It, Taste It, Smell It
by Bob Baker
I had no idea there would be a marketing lesson in store as I headed across the Mississippi River. There I was, on my way to a country fair in Millstadt, Illinois, located just across the river from St. Louis, Missouri. Once there, I saw the expected: pony rides, face painting and strawberry picking … but what really caught my attention was the arts and crafts area. About a dozen or more tables and tents were set up to sell everything from country wood crafts to scented candles to hand-sewn clothing.
One resourceful woman was hawking her packages of spices and seasonings that could be mixed with sour cream and other goodies to make tasty dips and spreads. While many of the crafters sat quietly behind their tables — some reading books, others occasionally saying “hello” to passersby — this woman was enthusiastically inviting people to come over and sample her dips.
“I’ve got five different flavors here,” she announced to potential buyers as she placed a dollop on a cracker. “We’ll just start with this one and go down the line. Then tell me which one you like most.” Needless to say, there was always a small gathering around her booth … and a lot of dollars being exchanged.
As I walked to another section of the crafts area, I noticed a small boy peering at one of the handmade toy airplanes on the table. Mom was right behind, asking him to keep his hands to himself. “It’s okay, he can play with it if he wants,” the crafter offered. “Here son. You can even spin the propeller.”
Not far away, a seamstress was asking an interested visitor to try on one of her vests. Then she let her see what she looked like in a mirror.
What was going on here with these three creative marketers? They were using a selling concept as old as the hills: Get the prospect directly involved with the product and you’re halfway toward art sales.
How do most people make a final decision on buying a car? Do they make up their mind by looking at the car and listening to the sales person talk about it? Or by getting behind the wheel and driving it?
The vast majority of music CD sales come about as a result of fans either hearing a band perform live, hearing a song on the radio or seeing a music video. Simply reading a favorable review rarely inspires action in music consumers. Experiencing the music through their ears (and enjoying the sensation) is what motivates people to reach for their wallets.
So, how are you stimulating the senses of your potential customers and thus make Art Sales? More questions:
Can you give away free samples of what you create?
Does your creative offering lend itself to taste, smell, touch, hearing or sight?
What combination of some or all of the five senses could you use to stir up interest?
How can you get customers directly involved with your talents before they buy? Find a way to involve people in your creative product or service … and you may soon find a line of customers waiting to sample (and buy) what you have to offer.
Bob Baker is the author of “Unleash the Artist Within,” “Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook” and “Branding Yourself Online.”
In addition to Bob Baker’s examples, the internet has grown and expanded with new ideas and methods to help with art sales. Additionally, there are more ways to accomplish getting interactivity at shows and gigs. Spend a little time to do your research and work out a plan for yourself. There are many ways you can get attention!
If you are going to utilize internet tools, use the information from the blog post What If Other Businesses Operated Like An Art Business? Know before you go. It will save you lots of trouble in the long run. If you want to get help to do the research, contact me. I’m more than glad to find out the data and to summarize the results into an understandable report.