Resources: Especially for Poets
Words to Know: “Chapbook” was coined in the 19th Century. Originally it was produced in Early Modern Europe and consisted of paper that was folded and cut to create 4 – 24 pages with poems with a cover. Today it means a small paperback booklet, typically containing poetry.
There’s many solutions online that poets can utilize to get a chapbook created but there’s some that will give you long term benefits.
In my recent research, my most favorite choice is Prolific Press because the chapbooks created have a unique ISBN and barcode which means it can be listed on Amazon.
I also found that Prolific Press is ALWAYS open for reading periods. In comparison, some chapbook companies are only open for 1 month of the year. There’s no submission fees either which is quite generous.
About Prolific Press: “Although chapbooks are not typically treated the same as full offerings in the marketplace, Prolific Press does purchase and provide a unique ISBN and barcode. We make this investment to help ensure that our chapbooks can be collected and traded long after they are out of print, further preserving the voice of the writer.”
Prolific Press Payment: “Selected authors receive 10 copies and publication as payment for the short collection.”
The Poetry Society does have a paid membership but offers many benefits including free or discounted admission to all PSA events and entry fee waived for PSA Annual Awards.
Here’s a list of resources that you can find on the Poetry Society website:
- Literary Organizations
- Chapbook Publishers
- Poetry Publishers
- Poetry Journals
- Poetry Contests: Chapbooks
- Poetry Contests: Single Poems
Additionally, Maverick Duck Press and Origami Poems both have some interesting poetry publishing concepts and are worth checking into.
To Your Success!