Is Social Media *REALLY* worth it?
Ok so you’ve heard all the buzz…
You sorta think you should get into the social media craze, but…
…is it really worth it?
Or is it just a fad?
Well I’ll let the facts speak for themselves:
>> Facebook has over 385.65 million ACTIVE users
>> Every 20 minutes 1,000,000 links are shared on Facebook
>> 57% of people talk to others more through social media than real life
>> Over 89% OF ALL Internet users are also ACTIVE users on the social media networks
>> 98% of marketers invested in Facebook Ads in 2022.
>> 64% of Facebook users have interacted with a brand that has a Facebook Fan Page
>> It’s estimated that by 2012 1,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) people will have a Facebook account
>> 46% of Internet users worldwide interact with social media sites on a DAILY basis
>> A *whopping* 71% of X (Twitter) users EXPECT to get marketing messages through Twitter (EXPECT!!)
>> Ford’s 2011 Explorer launch using Facebook generated a 200% GREATER return on investment than their Super Bowl Ad…
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
Social media is NOT a fad, it’s very real and it’s only going to get bigger.
With companies like Facebook taking the lead and making incredible changes to the platform, the business that does NOT get in on the social media platforms, will quickly find itself severely behind.
The question then is not, if you should use social media, but HOW to use it.
Here are 3 tips to consider:
#1. Do not oversell… 41% of Twitter users say they unfollowed a brand because they were marketed too much. 42% of Facebook users report “unliking” a brand because of too much marketing.
Remember this is still a SOCIAL platform, so be social. Sure you can market and sell, but only when done with a good mix. We recommend that for every post where you sell, there should be 3 where you don’t sell and simply provide good, solid content and information.
#2. Share things that are, well, sharable… Nothing is worse than posting on Facebook or Twitter and having NO ONE interact with what you just posted. No likes. No comments. No shares. No Retweets.
So how do you encourage interaction? By posting interesting videos, or pictures. By asking open-ended questions. By posting statuses that get people talking.
No one cares what you had for breakfast so save it… however a picture of a cool dish at a new restaurant you went to would get more responses… so use the power of pictures.
#3. It’s not about YOU. A major mistake many businesses make is thinking that the social media platform is about them. And it’s only natural. Everyone’s Facebook page is all about, well, themselves.
The truth is though, as a business, remember that your social media presence is for THEM. For your clients and prospects. NOT for you.
So share things that they’d be interested in.
Social media is here to stay. Either get on the bandwagon or get left behind, but be sure to follow the 3 tips I’ve given you in this article.
e to follow the 3 tips I’ve given you in this article.