Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Copyright Resources
You put your life, care, emotions, dreams, ideas and more into your works of art, you protected your works with copyrights and now there’s a new item to be aware of: Artificial Intelligence (AI).
It really does fit the idea of computers working for a person, doing work faster and even creating new wonders by learning how its done and copying it. There’s good sides to it and bad. This article is intended to give you information and tools to protect your works from AI.
Copyright Alliance has loads of information and resources. If you haven’t already signed up for their mailing list, you should.
Glaze, a revolutionary new tool that fights against art theft.
Find out more information and Download Glaze.
You can create badges for your “not by AI” content.
You can post a “No AI” statement.
If you have any more information, please leave a comment to help your fellow creative and talented artists.