Tune in to the Help 2 Succeed Radio Show May 16th at 7pm EST to get artist tips for success in an interview with Jessica Rose Greenwood – Artist and Entrepreneur.
>> Interview
Jessica is an artist and entrepreneur who spends most of her time, when she isn’t traveling or at Disney World with her children, helping others get control over their time and income and thus build their ideal life.
She practically grew up on stage and was Seattle’s sought after theatrical child actress starting at age 9. Now she has taken those theatrical skills and turned them into speaking, motivating and training others on how to shape life into something that allows them to do what they love and achieve their goals.
She is the single mother of two teenagers, one a singer and budding musician and the other a makeup artist.
She holds firmly that the thing this planet needs the most is more artists doing what they do best and considers it her greatest privilege to help artists arrange their lives so they have the income and freedom to make more art.
She is an actress, singer, writer and currently spends her creative time creating flower arrangements and elaborately decorated Christmas trees.
Here’s where you can find Jessica Rose Greenwood:
website: www.jessicarosegreenwood.com
Instagram is @jessrgreenwood